SGF: Metal: Hellsinger gets a console demo and a release date.

Funcom have confirmed that their absolutely batshit FPS Metal: Hellsinger will be launching on September 15th on PS5, Xbox Series S|X and PC. Not only that, you can play the game right now on every system thanks to a shiny demo you can download today.

Speaking from experience, you can’t get your head around Hellsinger until you play it. Once it’s in your hands and suddenly you’re thrust into a world of shooting the ever living crap out of demons to the beat of the music, there’s no way around’s insanely fun, pretty damn tough and well worth a crack.

Dave Goldfarb, creative director at Metal: Hellsinger developers The Outsiders;

“The time has come, friends. We are so happy to be able to finally make the demo available to everyone so you can feel the Metal for yourself”. 

Metal: Hellsinger is available to play now via a demo on PS5, Xbox Series S|X and PC ahead of its full launch on September 15th.

Source [Press Release]

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