The Stray Countdown is On! 10 Days To Go for ‘The Cat Game’

The countdown for the massively anticipated cat game ‘Stray’ is on. In honour of having just 10 days left, we thought we’d bring you 10 facts we love about cats to wet your whistle.

If you have no idea what I am referring too, then you might have lived under a rock for the last year, or at least the last 6 months. Stray, often referred to as ‘the cat game’ is due for release July 19th on PlayStation and Windows. You will assume a lone cat, separated from family, attempting to escape a forgotten cybercity. You can can check out the trailer below:

In the mean time, we have 10 facts about cats that may keep us as entertained as a cat with jingly toy in the mean time – with some commentary of course.

  1. The first year of a cats life is the equivalent of 15 years of human. (No wonder we always see the feline as the smart cunning ones of the family)
  2. The toes on their paws are called beans (honestly, I might die from cuteness)
  3. Speaking of toes, they have 18.
  4. Cats conserve energy by sleeping for approx. 13 hours in a day. (preach).
  5. It is believed that cats do not taste sweetness.
  6. A group of cats if called a ‘clowder’.
  7. When cats do not cover their poop, it is seen as a sign of aggression (honestly the sass on them).
  8. Most cats are apparently lactose intolerant (contrary to popular belief that they like milk)
  9. Taylor Swift has two cats, both named from the Protaganists of her two favourite shows. Meredith Grey from Greys Anatomy and Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU. (Don’t think you’d get away without me naming dropping her right?) Do let me know in the comments or on twitter if you’ve named any pets after video game characters because I am not only nosey but I think that’s dope.
  10. Stubbs the cat was the honorary mayor for 20 years in a small town in Talkeetna, Alaska. (Rest in Power Kitty!)

So there you have it, 10 facts about felines to get us fired up for the cat game in 10 days time. Toby was desperate for me to also let you know he feels very strongly about future cats potentially having robot companions to do their bidding because their overall intelligence will increase. He fears they will gain opposable thumbs and generally cause the fall of mankind rather than the popular theory of the rising of the machines. Who knows, maybe Stray will touch upon that one.

It’s not often we get to assume the role of a furry friend. Published by Annapurna Interactive (or surely Annapurrrrna for this month only) this third person stealthy action adventure was first announced back in June 2020 during PlayStations Future of Gaming event. Don’t forget, If you are subscribed to PlayStations Extra or Premium tier you will be lucky enough to receive Stray for free on the day of release.

We hope its purrrfect.

One thought on “The Stray Countdown is On! 10 Days To Go for ‘The Cat Game’

  • No lie this game has me very nervous. The anticipation surrounding what seems like a normal puzzle platformer feels so much greater than what’s going to be released. Managing expectations for an indie game will be the way to go I feel, but you do you.

    I’d love to be wrong.


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