TGS 2021 – Wanted: Dead Announced with Gameplay Trailer + More From 110 Industries

Out of nowhere on day four of the Tokyo Game Show 2021, 110 Industries announced a brand new IP – Wanted: Dead comes from the a team of devs who were behind Ninja Gaiden and Dead or Alive (and for some reason they also want to remind you they did DoA Xtreme Beach Volleyball too). If it reminds you of Devil’s Third, that’s why. Anyway, check out the trailer, then we’ll talk about it.

So, cyberpunk Hong Kong, synthetics exist. You play as Hannah, but that’s basically all we know about her, except that she’s pretty adept with an execution and her ponytail is possessed! All joking aside, the game looks very cool, full of brutal CQC that would make Raiden jealous, and even more brutal hand-chopping katana action and point blank bullets to the face. I lost count of the number of grunts who lost both hands to Hannah’s onslaught. Wanted: Dead is slated for release in the already jam-packed 2022 but no more firm release window than that.

It was part of a pretty cool set from 110 Industries, who also announced a few other games with poignant pieces to camera completely unlike the rest of TGS, alongside a very strange English Tonkatsu cooking segment. Most were just cinematics, but clearly the publisher has ambitions over the next few years. Vengenace is Mine is a mech action game with a teaser below, looking very shiny on next gen consoles, and coming 2023. Red Goes Faster is a racing game set on another planet abandoned by a mineral stripping mega-corporation, and is coming 2024. A publisher to keep your eye on.

Source [YouTube]

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