Class Is Commencing Soon as Two Point Campus Nears Release

We are less than one week away from the release of Two Point Hospital’s sequel Two Point Campus. Two Point hospital was of course the spiritual successor to the 1997 game Theme Hospital where players design, manage and have to maintain a hospital facility from the ground up. In less one weeks time, we will see this formula with University. If you need a reminder of what that will look like, check out the trailer below.

It looks as if things are gong to work a little differently in Two Point Campus. Players may remember that interactions with patients only lasted as long as they needed treatment. However, playing over an academic year will find players needing to connect deeper with students. During the summer holidays, players will be able to customize the campus both in it’s exterior and interior. Once happy with your newly founded establishment, students will flood in to kick off the academic year.

Your job now is to keep students entertained, help them with their needs of homework, build study cubicles, and throw a dance party or two in the student union. At the end of the year you’ll be graded on student performance. Things such as exam pass rate, and expulsions to name a few. As well as hitting the books the students can

  • Attend Wizardry Classes
  • Dragon Slaying School
  • Secret Spy School
  • Use Napping Machines (I could have most certaintly used this at University)
  • …as well as loads more!

Two Point Campus is coming to PC and consoles on August 9th, 2022, and players can pre-order the game here. Two Point Campus will also be available on Xbox Game Pass for console and PC Game Pass on day one. For more information about Two Point Campus head to, where you can sign up for County Pass today, which unlocks The Golden Toilet! ​ Easily the most sought after item in the game! You can also head over to Twitch (twopointstudios – Twitch) to see many of streams that have taken place including the latest one with Design Director Ben Huskins.

Will you be enrolling next week?

Source : Press Release

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