A Little to the Left’s New Feature is the Tidy ‘Wordle’ Variant We Didn’t Know We Needed

This year, A Little to the Left is releasing! The new relaxing puzzle game that claims to satisfy your tidying desires…

The Summer Games fest was incredibly kind to us this year, showcasing a variety of genres for us to dig into. One game in particular is Max Inferno & Secret Mode’s new tidy up cosiness ‘A Little To The Left‘. It’s the type of game that even from the first watch of the trailer makes you fancy some PJ’s, a hot cuppa and a cosy night in with your chosen console. To see what I’m talking about, watch the extended trailer below which was shown during ‘The Day of the Devs Showcase’! A Little to the Left is due to drop sometime this year and is aiming to release on PC, Nintendo Switch and Mobile platforms

A Little to the left is essentially your gaming guide to Marie Kondo. No but really, but…kind of. It’s a game where you can sort, stack and organise all manner of things around the house, getting things ‘just right’ in each level. These levels are in the puzzle form shifting and shuffling items in a particular way using multiple solutions, from plant trimming to spice jar organisation. If you are the type of person who can not wait to get their hands on organising that messy drawer, or stacking books accurately on top of one another, then this might be the cosy puzzle game you need in your life. You’ll have to keep you eyes peeled for a mischievous cat who comes to play and tries to playfully undo your progress!

A Little to the Left also boasts a ‘Daily Tidy Delivery’ feature. The additional offering rejumbles an existing, hand-crafted puzzle everyday from A Little to the Left’s main campaign for an entirely new twist; one that’s only available to you. So every 24 hours, each player receives a one-time-only puzzle. No two puzzles will be the same in this feature, and promises some seasonal specials too. It looks as if A Little to the Left may deliver that zen feeling we all need throughout the day. Tidy Wordle? Its got you! It’s also worth mentioning avid tidiers will be able to collect badges for their progress but puts no pressure on ‘tidy streaks’ in this feature.

If you feel you want to start stacking on this sooner than release, there is a demo available now to play on Steam before getting your hands on the full 75+ puzzles the game is boasts within it’s campaign.

Tidying might not be everyone’s thing, but from Mrs Hinch, to Marie Kondo to the success of Indie game Unpacking, you certainly can not deny there is an audience for this!

Source: PR

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