Righteously Rhythmic Hi-Fi Rush Comes to PS5!

This is the news we have been waiting for! Bethesda’s and Tango Softworks amazing rhythmic hack and slasher is making its way to PS5.

That’s right in a turn up for the books Microsoft’s former exclusive is now coming to PS5 and will be landing on March 19. Why is this good news we hear you cry?

Well, most importantly our own Paul gave it his Game of the Year last year, which is basically all you need to know. but if you want more then Hi-Fi Rush has achieved over 20 perfect scores, 50+ “Best of 2023” awards, to be precise.

In case you’ve had your brain on mute for the past year, Hi-Fi Rush is is a rhythm action game featuring wannabe rock star Chai. It’s set in a world where everything, including your movement and fighting syncs to the beat. Align your jumps and thwacks to the background music and your combo meter will sky rocket.

And yes it is as much fun as it sounds. Even more so as Hi-Fi Rush features licensed tracks from Nine Inch Nails and the Black Keys. Not only that but it features all the current gameplay content including the Arcade Challenge, which includes two new gameplay modes, BPM Rush! and Power Up! Tower Up! Looks like we’ll have to wait until closer to release to find out what they are.

Hi-Fi Rush and a DualSense? The possibilities are endless.

Hi-Fi Rush comes to PS5 on March 19 but you can already get your hands on it on Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Source [Press Release]

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