PSVR 2 Patent reveals interesting new features
PSVR on PlayStation 4 was a literal game-changer. Some of my most memorable gaming moments all took place in the VR Dimension. Resi 7, Superhot, Tetris all mind blowing.
However, there were some murmurings from Sony and the internet prior to the PS5 launch that a new VR headset wasn’t at the top of Sony’s list of things to make. But, a recent patent from Sony reveals that they are indeed up to something VR related for the PS5. The new headset other than looking a lot lighter and less bulky has LED lights and haptic feedback. The latter point is no surprise considering the Dual Shock uses the same tech. Not sure if that translates to headache-inducing brain rumbles or something else, remains to be seen, But I’m just glad there is a new VR headset at least being considered.
have a read (if you can be bothered, it’s quite technical) here