Ys X: Nordics Western Release Window Announced

It’s been five long months since the Japanese release, waiting for that sweet sweet nectar of news to come from Falcom and NIS America – announcing Ys X: Nordics is coming to Western markets in Autumn 2024 on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC! Once again follow the continuing adventures of Adol Cristin with the series staple exhilarating, fast-paced combat and a moving story of unlikely allies set amidst naval exploration and warfare on the high seas. Check out the new trailer below.

From the Press release –

Following their tenuous encounter at sea, the young red-haired adventurer Adol Christin and the proud pirate Karja Balta find themselves bound by fate – and the mysterious power of Mana! As they search for a way to undo the mystical ties that bind them, they soon find themselves caught up in a conflict between two factions: the seafaring warriors known as the Normans and the enigmatic and seemingly immortal Griegr. In order to save the people of Obelia Gulf, Adol and Karja must navigate the depths of their unexpected bond and the power that it grants them.

Players also get to control the sailing ship known as the Sandras – with ocean travel, naval battles, and discovering uncharted islands all made possible with this seaworthy vessel! So it’s Ys X: Black Flag the Action RPG!

Ys X: Nordics is coming to Western markets in Autumn 2024 on Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5, and PC. We’ll be sure to let you know the moment there’s a firmed-up release date.

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